Ginja de Óbidos Oppidum is classified as Exceptional, achieving a GOLD medal in the U.S.
Ginja de Óbidos Oppidum returned to the test – something that its producers, Dário and Marta Pimpão already had become used to. It was again in the United States of America – this time at the Beverage Tasting Institute (Chicago) – that last month’s spirits trials attributed Ginja de Óbidos Oppidum to the “Outstanding” rate, with a score of 92 points (in 100), corresponding to a GOLD medal. It was by this independent jury – with a large panel of tasters and alcoholic beverage critics – that Óbidos’ original ginja was also awarded the “Best Buy” rating, which translates to a “product of extraordinary value”.
This award, attributed to Ginja de Óbidos Oppidum, joins the Bronze Medal won in London in 2012 (at the International Wine and Spirits Competition) and the recent Silver medal of April this year, in the world-famous American contest – the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
These international awards reward the renowned quality of Ginja de Óbidos Oppidum, which continues to be produced in a traditional way by Dário Pimpão, in the heart of his family business, in the village of Sobral da Lagoa – municipality of Óbidos.
September 2012 – Press Articles